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Requires that variadic functions must be supplied with at least one argument.

Rule Details

Variadic functions are functions that take a variable amount of arguments. However, as far as the TypeScript compiler is concerned, passing no arguments at all to a variadic function is legal. But doing this is usually a bug. For example:

const myArray = [1, 2, 3];
myArray.push(); // Oops!

Here, the author of the code made a typo and forgot to supply the thing to be inserted into the array. Thus, the myArray.push line is a no-op.

To protect against these kinds of errors, this rule requires that you always pass at least one argument to a variadic function.

Hard-Coded Exceptions

This rule is hard-coded to not throw an error with console methods (such as console.log or console.error), since:

  1. It is relatively common to use these functions with no arguments in order to print a newline.
  2. The TypeScript signatures for those functions are weird in that they have a rest parameter as the second parameter instead of the first one.

Additionally, this rule will not be flagged for setTimeout or setInterval, since those rest parameters are optional.

JSDoc Exceptions

Sometimes, a variadic function can be written to intentionally allow for zero arguments. If this is the case, you can use a @allowEmptyVariadic JSDoc tag inside of the JSDoc comment for the function. Then, this rule will ignore any calls of that function.

For example, something like the following:

* Helper function to get all of the cars in the database. By default, it will return every car.
* You can optionally specify one or more car types to return only the cars that match the specified
* car types.
* @allowEmptyVariadic
function getCars(...carTypes: CarType[]) {}

Options and Defaults

"rules": {
"complete/require-variadic-function-argument": "error"

This rule is not configurable.
