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Disallow unsafe and confusing uses of the ++ and -- operators.

Rule Details

This rule heavily restricts the usage of the ++ and -- operators. Essentially, you are only allowed to use "foo++" in places where swapping it to "++foo" or "foo += 1" would have no functional change in the program.

This rule is meant to be used in conjunction with this prefer-plusplus and prefer-postfix-plusplus ESLint rules.

// Bad
foo++, foo++, foo++;
for (foo++; ; ) {}
for (; foo++; ) {}
foo++ + foo++;

// Good
void foo++;
foo++, foo++, 0;
for (; ; foo++) {}

Options and Defaults

"rules": {
"complete/no-unsafe-plusplus": "error"

This rule is not configurable.


This rule was originally created by webstrand in the TypeScript Discord.
