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Disallows returning mutable arrays, maps, and sets from functions.

Arrays, maps, and sets are mutable by default in TypeScript, unlike safer languages like Rust. In general, code is much easier to reason about when data structures are immutable. Thus, this lint rule helps ensure a stricter boundary between functions to make data flows easier to understand.

The consequence of working with read-only data structures is that if a function callee needs to mutate the resulting data structure, they should make a copy of it (with e.g. the spread operator if it is an array). This makes it explicit that they are creating a new, non-vanilla thing. This pattern has the downside of a performance penalty, but in most real-world applications that are not using huge data structures, this is a micro-penalty and cannot be measured.

Of course, there are some cases where a function really does need to return a mutable data structure, like when an array is really big and the cost of copying it would be too great. In these cases, use the "eslint-ignore-next-line" directive.

Rule Details

// Bad
function getArray(): number[] {
return [];

// Good
function getArray(): readonly number[] {
return [];

// Bad
function getMap(): Map<string, string> {
return new Map();

// Good
function getMap(): ReadonlyMap<string, string>[] {
return new Map();

// Bad
function getSet(): Set<string> {
return new Set();

// Good
function getSet(): ReadonlySet<string>[] {
return new Set();

Options and Defaults

"rules": {
"complete/no-mutable-return": "error"

This rule is not configurable.
